Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Birds (311) Movie CLIP - Birds Invade the House (1963) HD

Would you like
some mustard with that ?
<I>[ Melanie ] No, thank you.</I> Why didn't Annie stay ?
Said something about going home
to take a call from her sister. [ Chirping ]
What's the matter
with them ? What's the matter
with all the birds ?
Where did you want this coffee ? Here on the table,
Hurry up with yours, Mitch. I'm sure Miss Daniels
wants to be on her way. <I>I think you ought to stay</i>
<i>the night, Melanie.</I> We have an extra room
upstairs and everything.

That road can be
a pretty bad one at night. If I go across to Santa Rosa,
I'll come out on the freeway
much earlier, won't I ? Yes, and the freeway
is much quicker. But she'll be hitting
all the heavy traffic
going back to San Francisco. <I>[ Chirping Grows Louder ]</i>
<i>[ Cathy ]</i>
<i>Just listen to those lovebirds.</I> <i>[ Chirping Stops ]</i>
[ Twittering ] Mitch.

[ Birds Screeching ] Cover your faces !
Cover your eyes !.

The Birds (311) Movie CLIP - Birds Invade the House (1963) HD

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