Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Angry Birds the Movie - Happy Ending

Nice! Get your worms! Wow! Is that you right there Red? Oh! Really? Where? No, they didn't have to do... Oh... Yeah... That's funny I don't remember crying on my knees like that But...

No... It's nice... Look at that They gave Mighty Eagle all the credit They made him look So much more handsome than you You know, that's when I was angry Ah! Forgive up that... You know we should do Let's go to the village Would you look at that What the...

Mr. Red Welcome back to the village Oh my god! How did you guys find the time to pull this off? To be honest with you I am gonna miss the beach view But, so what it's still there Or you can still look at your window and see me and bomb Ok, see you later! Oh! Want to go get a bike? Forget it... Let's just go home Guys! I'm just messing with ya! Get in here!.

Angry Birds the Movie - Happy Ending

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