Monday, January 29, 2018

Angry Birds Movie Toys & Surprise Kinder Bugs Bunny Marvel Avengers Huevos Sorpresa for kids

(Whimsical music) (bird squawking) - (chuckles) Come on, get 'em. Oh, hi guys. I'm playing the
Angry Birds game. I'm just so excited for the Angry Birds movie
that's coming out.

Come on, come on birds! Get those pigs, you can do it. Come on, yeah! (Chuckling) Why don't we play with
the Angry Birds toys? That'll be great! What do you guys say, huh, huh? Yay, let's do it. I bought this slingshot to
shoot down the pigs with. It's pretty cool, huh? There's a variety of different
Angry Birds to choose from.

Just take one of
your angry birds and put it here
in your slingshot, and then we can shoot
'em out at the pigs! Yay! Okay, let's put together
a structure for the pigs. So why are these birds
so angry anyways? I wanna keep one as a pet. (Crash) Ah! It fell down. Ah, this is frustrating.

(Ding) Let me put it back
together again. (Crash) I'm getting frustrated! (Silly whipping) (magical music) (pig grunts) Ah, that's better. Okay, let's shoot 'em down now. All right, let's
load up the pig.

(Crash) I got 'em.
(Bird squawks) (crash) Let's just use magic to
build it from now on. (Clanking) (magical music) (chuckling) (crash) (giggling) You can also pick up
some Jenga's at the store and shoot those down
with your Angry Birds. I got this old Donkey
Kong one today. This is gonna be so much fun.

You're gonna get it,
Donkey Kong. (Chuckling) Whaa!
(Crash) (chuckling) That was cool. Oh, let's load up this blue pig. Ya!
(Crash) Yay, I did it! (Chuckling) I got
you Donkey Kong.

Wow, that was fun. (Slim gushes) Well the Donkey Kong Jenga
set was a lot of fun, but how about this
Super Mario Jenga set? (Crash) Yay! (Chuckling) I did it! Yay, I did it! All right, just one more time, so I can get the
rest of these guys. Ooh, I can just shake the table. (Crash) Yay! (Chuckling) That was so much easier.

(Whimsical music) And now, I have one
more great surprise for you guys before we go today. This is so great. Wow! Angry Birds Star Wars! This is gonna be awesome! Let's open this up
and pull up a desk so it's nicer. (Chuckling) (whimsical music) (Darth Vader breathing) (boink) Hmm.

(Whimsical music) (crash) Yay! I destroyed the Death Star. Wow! I'm the best! (Chuckling) (whimsical music) Hey, guys. So what did I think
of today's toy, the Angry Birds? Well, as much as I am
excited to see the new movie I have to say, I
didn't like these toys. They were very hard
to set up as you saw.

They kept falling down. And once you got it set up, I was so frustrated that I didn't have any
fun playing with it. Having said that, I had more fun shooting
down the Jenga blocks. With the Donkey
Kong and the Mario.

Those were fun. So I'd say, get
yourself a slingshot, some Angry Birds and shoot
down some Jenga sets. (Chuckles) Okay,
guys, go see the movie and I'll see you next time. Buh-bye.

(Giggles) (fishes tail crinkles) (comical music).

Angry Birds Movie Toys & Surprise Kinder Bugs Bunny Marvel Avengers Huevos Sorpresa for kids

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