Sunday, January 21, 2018

Angry Birds Movie - MOVIE MISTAKES TrailerAngry Birds

[INTRO MUSIC] M.E.:PREPARE!!! Red: ...Oo-kay. M.E.: ... To have your minds BLOWN. [Conk!] AAGH!!! Son of a- Narrator: This summer...

...A movie first of its kind... ...Based on the iPhone app that no one even wants to play anymore. Some dude: Are you angry, Peter? You look angry. [SFX: Hal crashing into pig building] Narrator: ANGRY BIRDS [movie] Be the first to see the movie that I'm SURE will open the door for more iPhone apps that wanna cash in at the box office.

As Hollywood runs out of original ideas. Be on the lookout for Clash of Clans: The Movie. Huehuehue. Candy Crush: The Movie.

CCS VO: The sweetest game just keeps getting sweeter! Candy Crush SAGA! Narrator: Farm Heroes SAGA: The Movie. FHS VO: Challenge yourself with brand new levels. Farm Heroes SAGA! Narrator: Crossy Road: The Movie! [SFX: Crossy Road sound effects - Train, bells, neighing, horn] Boom Beach: The Movie. Main Character of B.B.: Let's head home, boys! B.B.

VO: Boom Beach! Come with a plan or leave with defeat! Narrator: Well... You get the picture. Red: This cake- IS ON YOU!!!! [SFX: Rock and roll] Narrator: Don't miss out on the scene where Red, played by the guy from Meet the Millers.., [Scene from Meet the Millers plays] ...Has his clown nose fall off, lands the ground behind him, then suddenly appears in the ground on front of him! Soccer ball kid: WHHEEEEEEE! Narrator:... Or at the part of the play where the purple bird is sitting next to the bird with flu-like symptoms! Then, without warning, he morphs into a gray bird! =O.

Judge's Assistant: [sneeze x1.5] Judge: Anger Management Class. >:] Narrator: Come with your family to see the spot on the floor that no one notices! Only to have a stack of personal files appear out of THIN AIR!!! [SFX: Terence causing turmoil and destruction] This kid's movie is ACTION-PACKED with violence, destruction, and adult suggested content! [SFX: Mighty Eagle yawning] Mixed in with things that fall out the ceiling.., Matilda: Billy has passed to a higher plane of existance D': Narrator: ... Only to magically end up in the same place before the camera cuts away! Red: Have you come to smash all of our houses? Or just mine? Narrator: Like mistake number five, when Red and Chuck are having a romanic dinner at an empty table. Red: ...Naked and presenting themselves? And I'm looking at their business here.

Narrator: But when we get a shot at the front, they now have food and drink?! [Actually, a waiter came, but the video has already uploaded] Judge: HOOOOLY-MOOLY!! Narrator: Or mistake number 6 where Leonard, voiced by the same guy who did Fear in Inside Out, Fear: NOOOOO! Pretend we can't speak English!! Narrator:... Is rolling in the grass without shade. Then BOOM! He's got his stunners on? [SFX: Stunner plays] Be sure to spend close to $100 at the theaters for the whole family family, fight traffic, and sit in dirty seats to see this cutting-egde comedy thriller! M.E.: I see all and... [Gets rudely interrupted by the narrator] Narrator: Seriously.

Animators literally cut the edge in the film! M.E.: What are your names? Chuck: If you know all, why don't you know who we are? Ow! Narrator: Watch as animators get lazy toward the end of the film, by creating dynamite and an umbrella in the scene just to cut it out at the next shot, hoping you wouldn't notice! M.E.: No. Narrator: Also with customary trying to make the movie longer, filmmakers steal clips from popular movies like The Shining. And X-men: Days of Future Past. Matilda: That...

Was beautiful. Narrator: Witness the magic of cinema, as the egg that Red is trying to save cracks when it falls to the ground. Bomb: HOLD ON, RED! Red: I'm gonna save that egg! Narrator: But, with a touch of movie magic, it's made whole again! And finally, be ready to explain to your children how the Mighty Eagle has nothing on his beak. M.E.: Cramp...

CRAMP! Narrator: But after a short tumble, there's a plunger there! Bubbles: Look at that! Hal: Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Also featuring Chuck, voiced by the guy who did Olaf from Frozen Olaf: Who's the funky looking donkey over there? Narrator: The Mighty Eagle. Voiced by... This guy! -----------> M.E.: No. Narrator: Stella...

Voiced by Dory's mom in Finding Dory. Dory's Mom: HI, DORY! Narrator: This summer... Don't miss the movie that only got a rating of 6.3 On EMDB and 43% on Rotten Tomato! And Apple's first tag-team effort to get in to your pocket! Angry Birds [movie]! Coming to an over-priced theater or illegal download site near you! M.E.: I don't do that anymore! I'm retired! Narrator: What was your favorite mistake in the movie? Let us know in the comment section below! Also let us know what you'd like to see next! And if you haven't joined our family don't forget to click that subscribe button now! Thanks for hanging out with us. And we'll see you next week.

[Caption Credits by Bampa & Stanley] [Subscribe to Bampa & Stanley] [Subscribe to Movie Mistakes] [Thanks for watching!].

Angry Birds Movie - MOVIE MISTAKES TrailerAngry Birds

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