Wednesday, December 20, 2017

15 Deadliest Birds in the World!

15 Deadliest Birds in the World 15. Seagulls- Also known as rats of the sea, seagulls
love flocking the beach to find leftover food and items left by people. One or two of them isnt that bad, but a
whole swarm of them might cause you to run. Seagulls arent usually prone to attacking
humans, unless you get too close to their young.

One woman in Britain was rushed to the hospital
after seagulls pecked her head. 14. Pelicans- Pelicans are harmless to humans,
unless youre trying to find them. One man tried to feed a pelican and ended
up trying to swallow his whole hand.

Pelicans are often playful and curious, but
invoking them can lead them to attacking you. If you tease them for food, theyll definitely
charge at you and chase you. Seagulls let out low squawks when they feel
threatened, so keep a look out for those warning signs. 13.

Crows- Crows already have a bad reputation,
so the best thing to do is just stay away from them. Crows can get aggressive and are also very
territorial. They are mostly prone to attack during spring
to early summer due to nesting season. Crows also have the unique ability to remember
human faces, so if you agitate one bird, all the birds will watch you to see what youre

12. Vultures- Usually these birds wait out on
their prey to die until they go in to eat, but in Europe there are at least forty claims
of vultures attacking farm animals and pecking at them until they died. One farmer stated he saw a group of vultures
charge at a cow and eat it while it was still alive. With food shortages on the rise, it seems
like these birds are fanning across Europe to scavenge whatever they can find-dead or
alive! These birds have a wingspan of at least seven
feet and their claws and beaks are razor sharp; enabling them to rip through flesh.

There are no official reports of vultures
assaulting humans, but dont deny that they cant do serious damage. 11. Falcons- Just like any other bird, falcons
are also very protective of their territory and will charge at anyone when they feel vulnerable. They have unique hook shaped beaks that are
powerful enough to cut through the spinal cord of their prey.

Falcons injuries arent common to humans
will still attack if in danger. One report states of a falcon attacking a
dog, when the dog ran towards it. The dog was left with bleeding ears and paws.Dont
mess with falcons! 10. Hawk- Hawks are birds of prey, they have incredible
eyesight and are considered one of the more intelligent animal species.

Hawks carefully trace their prey while in
flight and silently swoops down to catch their victim. Hawks have huge talons and can deliver excruciating
pain when they strike. 9. Rhea- They are smaller than ostriches, with
a height of four to five feet and weighing at least sixty to eighty pounds.

They are flightless and naturally calm, but
dont think twice to take on this bird. They have strong legs and robust feet that
can pack a forceful kick to send you into another dimension! It is said that if a rhea were to ever kick
a human, it would be able to deploy around eight hundred pounds of force! Thats more than enough to leave you with
a damaged ribs, broken bones and a head concussion. 8. Condor- The Andean Condor has a wingspan of
over ten feets and weighs over forty pounds, making it as one of worlds largest bird.

They are graceful in flight but can still
rip you to shreds if you were to ever come face to face with one. In one case a three year old girl was attacked
by a condor at the Columbus Ohio zoo. She was left was various injuries and puncture
wounds. 7.

Barred Owls- Barred owls have been known to
attack humans when they feel that their young is in danger. Joggers running in park report the attack
as hazy since they attack very fast and sudden. Barred owls will swoop down on people to scare
them away, but only a small percentage actually gets clawed or attacked. One jogger describes an owls claws sharper
than a knife tip.

Barred owls usually calm down after the mating
season is over, so its best to encounter them after spring. 6. Blue-capped Ifrit- It is native to the rainforests
of New Guinea and only measures 16.5 Cm long. It is yellow in color and has a blue or black

They may be cute and small, but dont let
their size fool you! These birds are actually poisonous. Batrachotoxin is in its feathers and skin
and can cause tingling and numbness in those who pick who the bird. The toxin comes from its diet, mainly coming
from beetles and the sting is described as eating 5 hot chili peppers. 5.

Ostrich- The ostrich is the worlds largest
bird. Although they cant fly, they can run up
to speeds of sixty miles per hour! Their long and powerful legs act as menacing,
defensive tools. When intimidated, they can release a kick
so strong that it can kill a human! 4. Swans- Swans have no problem attacking those
who invade their territory.

Swans dont pose a real threat to humans,
they just want to ensure that their babies are safe. The only bad part is that theyll actually
chase you down no matter how far you run! As long as you mind your own business, swans
will walk away but aggravating will cause you a lot of damage. When they attack, theyll constantly bite
on your head and arms, and theyll flap their wings into your face so you cant
see where youre going to. 3..

Antarctic Giant Petrel- They spend most of
their time on land scouring for food, and feeding on the dead whale or seal carcasses. With competition for resources, they have
no difficulty locating food, even if it means luring another animal off to its death. Viewers could feel their heart break, when
National Geographic aired footage of a giant petrel dragging a helpless chinstrap penguin. The poor penguin suffered a tortuous death
as it was being eaten alive.

2. Cassowary-This bird is just like any other
bird, except for their dagger-like claws that can tear your insides out! They can grow up to six feet tall and and
weight over one hundred pounds. On its feet contains one long claw that is
five inches long. Cassowaries are actually shy creatures and
try to avoid human contact but one rip from its claw can cause you to bleed out a slow

1. Eagle- This majestic bird is a vicious predator
in the wild. They are exceptional hunters and uses its
eyesight and talons to sweep in on unsuspecting animals. It can carry up to a weight of four pounds
and have been known to symbolize power.

They have the capability to attack small animals
and even kill bear cubs. In May 2008, an eagle managed to badly injure
a small boy, leaving cuts all along his mangled body..

15 Deadliest Birds in the World!

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