Saturday, October 13, 2018

Migratory BirdsThe Dr. Binocs ShowLearn Videos For Kids

Hello kids! Won't it be great if we could just pack our
bags and keep flying from place to place? Hey, but you can't do that because
you don't have wings like me! Oh yes, you're right but there's
one major difference.. ..Between you and my friends out there! And that is? You're a Migratory bird, silly! Oops, why didn't that strike me? Doesn't matter! You go take your flight. And I'll tell my friends all
about birds like you! Aww! I feel so special, Dr. Binocs! Come friends, let's know more
about Migratory birds.

Zoom in! Migratory birds are those birds that
travel from one place to another.. ..At regular intervals over long distances. And they migrate to escape the cold
harsh winter weather.. ..In search of food and a warm cozy shelter.

There are various types of Migratory birds. Resident Birds! Pigeons and Doves are a good examples. These birds just don't migrate. They are able to find food and
warm shelter where they are staying.

We might not travel a lot,
Dr. Binocs but we do spread love.. ..All around, from place to place! Short Distant Migrants. Robins are short distant migrants.

As the name suggests, these
birds move only a short distance.. ..From lower elevations to mountain side. Hey, but don't you mistake
me for a nightingale.. ..I might look like one but I am not.

Okay? Oh, my friends won't! They are very
smart, aren't you guys? Medium Distant Migrants. These birds travel over distances
that cover several states. They don't really travel a lot but not
that they won't travel less.. ..Isn't it Mr.

Blue Jay? You seem to know me quite well, Dr. Binocs. But there's one more secret about me!
You wanna know? Sure, tell us! We are all waiting! I am quite mischevious, Dr. Binocs,
because I hunt more than I can eat! Long Distant Migrants.

These birds travel typically from
United States and Canada.. ..To wintering grounds in Central and
South America. The Artic Tern is an example
of Long Distance migrants. And I am the record holder for covering the
longest distance of 44,000 miles! Oh my! That's huge! Just to let you know, the circumference
of the Earth..

..Is approximately 29,000 miles! So imagine how much these birds travel! Trivia Time! Before migrating, many birds
enter a state of Hyperphagia.. ..Where the hormone levels compel them to
drastically increase their body weight.. ..To store fat to use as
energy while traveling. And some birds also have the ability to
sense the Earth's Magnetic field..

..To help them navigate! So I need to travel now. Wait till I come back next! Tune in next time for more fun facts! This is me Fly... Zooming out!

Migratory BirdsThe Dr. Binocs ShowLearn Videos For Kids

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