Saturday, October 21, 2017

Annual Cow Chop vs. Sugar Pine 7 Tennis-Off. 2017.

Steven (VO): He doesn't know that. Anyway, it was time for the match. Steven: What Brett didn't realize is that I actually played varsity tennis in high school. The team used to call me "Gotham"...

'Cause of how much I was into Batman. Steven: The more CowChop thought we were bad at tennis, the easier it would be to hustle them... Steven: Huh, "must have been a fluke". Oh wait! It wasn't a fluke at all...

I was. Just. That. Good.

Steven: As if hustling them wasn't enough, Cib, I guess had his own plans on how to devastate CowChop. Steven: During the second set, I noticed something was a little off. Steven: And that's when I started to realize... Steven: It was only a matter of time until the melatonin started taking it's effect.

It hit Cib first. And then it hit me. Steven: How were we supposed to win if we couldn't even keep our eyes open?! Steven: We couldn't even make it through the third set thanks to the melatonin, which meant that we would have to clean CowChop's warehouse....

Annual Cow Chop vs. Sugar Pine 7 Tennis-Off. 2017.

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