Saturday, November 12, 2022

Animal Planet the Zoo

Animal Zoo


Many people support wildlife conservation via donations and volunteering at animal zoos.

This helps preserve our natural environment against deforestation, pollution, and other threats to wildlife habitat.

We've come a long way towards protecting the wildlife we've already disturbed; however, there's plenty of room for improvement in this regard.

By preserving habitats, we ensure future generations can enjoy wild animals free from human interference.

Animal zoos are educational facilities where animals are kept under strict rules for our safety.

It's a place where we can learn about the habits and characteristics of various animals.

In addition, it helps endangered species and promotes conservation.

We should support animal zoos because they're beneficial to humans and animals.

Animal zozs are a great way of promoting wildlife conservation and educating the public about animal characteristics and habitats.

Many aspects of modern life rely on animal zoo interaction- from food production to entertainment values systems (e.x.


Strict laws protect zoo animals from harm while allowing them enough space to live freely.

We've come a long way towards understanding and respecting animals- now it's time to apply that knowledge to the wilds outside of zoo walls as well!

Animal zoos provide a home to many different types of animals.

They keep wild animals in captivity so they can freely interact with humans.

Indigenous animals can be protected and released back to their natural environments after living in captivity for a short time.

Zoos also educate the public on animal conservation, human health, and food production.

People learn from the animals inside animal zoos; this is how we've come to understand and treat our planet responsibly.


One of the biggest benefits is that animal zoos help endangered species.

Animals with low population densities often end up in zoos due to low birth rates or Hunting and poaching.

By keeping animals in zoos, governments can help conserve certain species while giving them space to live freely.

In addition, animal zoos help people understand and treat animals kindly.

People can learn from the animals in zoos and apply that knowledge to their daily lives.


For example, animals in the wild must hunt for food, choose where to live, and keep themselves clean.

Zoos are set in a controlled environment where animals aren't free to make mistakes or learn how to naturally survive.

Plus, animal

Instead of liberating animals, zoos enslave them by depriving them of necessary conditions for survival.

Some people think that zoos are educational establishments where animals learn to live together in peace and harmony.

However, the truth is that most zoos are impersonal and cold places where animals are kept in cages for public amusement.

Many animal

These animals need to be kept in natural environments where they can live freely and safely.

Zoos should be abolished since they're horrible institutions that exploit animals by depriving them of necessary conditions for survival.

The only way to treat animals ethically is to give them back their natural rights- freedom and respect- in the wild.

Anyone who supports zoos is supporting a cruel manmade environment that is hostile to animals- not in harmony with them - as advertised!

Many people think that animals in zoos are happy and well cared for.

However, zoos are usually very impersonal and mechanized environments.

Animal caretakers don't have time to give individual attention to each animal- they're too busy conserving resources for the entire zoo.

Therefore, animals at the zoo don't receive enough care to make them happy.

In addition, animals are fed unnatural foods like processed grains and vegetable oil which deprives them of necessary nutrients.

Zoos are a horrible place where animals should be kept away from humans so they can live peacefully.

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  • Wednesday, May 1, 2019

    Why Some Birds Dont Migrate

    Flying south to escape cold northern winters
    is a luxury for the birds, right? Not always. Hey guys, Amy here with DNews, and as you
    suffer through the dregs of a ridiculously cold winter youre not alone. Some species
    of birds are right there with you, but without the benefit of indoor heating and wool sweaters.
    So how exactly do small animals survive harsh winters? Whether or not a given bird species flies
    south for the winter depends a lot on what its diet is. If a bird exists largely on flying
    insects and nectar it will likely migrate south during the cold seasons since these
    food sources arent exactly plentiful in cold weather.

    But if a bird lives off seeds
    or insects that live under tree bark, it can usually find enough food to spend the winters
    in the north, even if the temperatures drop dramatically. But having food doesnt equal warmth. Small
    animals have a large surface area compared to their body size. They also cant store
    as much fat so they have less insulation.

    All this means they are more prone to losing
    heat once the cold sets in, and surviving a cold winter is all about preventing heat
    loss. Biologists at the Norwegian University of
    Science and Technology did some research on the survival skills of these non-migrating
    birds and found some interesting things. For instance, some species survive by using the
    snow to their advantage. Like the small hazel grouse or hazel hen common in Northern Europe
    as well as small rodents like voles and field mice.

    These small animals burrow into the
    snow, digging out little tunnels to sleep in at night or rest in during the day. The
    snows insulting properties mean these animals can focus on finding food and not on surviving
    cold nights. For some species, strength comes in numbers.
    One of Norways smallest birds, the Eurasian wren, spends cold nights huddled together
    under the snow. They can congregate into groups of as many as 60 birds, huddling in layers
    to share and conserve vital body heat.

    But its not the case that all species make
    their own nests to fight off the cold. Some species of tits just take over existing nests,
    often fighting over the best sleeping spots at twilight. And some birds have a completely different
    way of dealing with the cold: they can actually slow their metabolism and lower their core
    temperature to reduce body heat loss. Like willow tits.

    These tiny birds can reduce their
    body temperature from about 105 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit. They have a finely tuned internal
    thermostat that tells the bird to start shivering when its core temperature reaches about 90
    degrees. Just the act of shivering produces enough heat to allow the bird to stabilize
    its core temperature. Arent you glad you dont have to tough
    it out outside all winter? But if you ever have spent a recreation night out in the cold,
    how did you stay warm? Let us know in the comments below or you can
    let me know directly on Twitter as @astVintageSpace.

    And dont forget to subscribe for more DNews
    every day of the week. And want even more great content? We are really
    happy that our new network Seeker launched this week! One of the shows on the Seeker
    Stories channel takes a look at what its like to live off the grid. Like this family
    in Idaho that packed up their lives to live in the wilderness. So make sure you check that video out, its
    the first link in the description, and subscribe to Seeker Stories so you never miss a video!.

    Why Some Birds Dont Migrate

    Friday, March 22, 2019

    Why Bird Penises Are So Weird

    This video was sponsored by 23adnMe...And
    hi, Im Emily from MinuteEarth. The Argentine lake ducks spiraling penis
    extends more than 16 inches. The seagull doesnt have a penis at all. For two animals with so much else in common,
    this is a pretty big spectrum  in fact, birds exhibit the biggest range in relative
    penis size of any class of vertebrates.

    And there are a couple key reasons why. For one, male birds are uniquely set up to
    pass helpful sexual traits directly to their sons  traits like showy, mate-attracting
    tail feathers or genitalia of certain dimensions. Animals generally hand these kinds of traits
    down through their sex chromosomes  but the sex chromosomes male mammals pass on to
    their sons is pretty tiny and has relatively few genes. Male birds, on the other hand, have way bigger
    sex chromosomes with lots of genes, and therefore have higher chances of passing a mutation
    like one for extra-sexy tail feathers  directly to their sons, who in turn can
    attract more mates and potentially pass a mutation for extra-extra sexy tail feathers
    to their sons, and so on down the line.

    In short, male birds comparatively huge
    sex chromosomes are the reason much more exaggerated male traits have evolved in birds than in
    mammals. Like the lake ducks reeeeally long penis. Male ducks often mate with unwilling females
    by force, and it happens that the males with the longest and twistiest genitals are the
    most successful, which means the longest-and-twistiest-genital genes keep getting passed down from father
    to son. On the other hand, in bird species where less
    well-endowed males do better - maybe because females prefer them, or because big genitals
    make flight tough - males can end up with small nubs, or even no penises at all.

    One other reason the bird penis spectrum is
    so big is that its really easy to make a bird penis shrink. A single mutation on the birds large sex
    chromosome triggers production of a protein that basically erases the developing embyro's
    penis. All it then takes to make the entire species
    penis-less is for this mutation to get passed down the line from male to male. But given how the chromosomal arrangement
    of birds allows more male traits to change more easily, even penis-less-ness isnt
    permanent: the chachalaca, a wild cousin of the chicken, went from having a penis, to
    not having one, to growing one again.

    Speaking of chromosomes, this video was sponsored
    by 23andMe, which has a special interest in the chromosomes of our own species. 23AndMe not only lets you learn about your
    own DNA story - including ancestry, personal traits and health insights - it can also help
    you learn which one of your parents you have to thank for some of your genetic traits. To get testing kits for you and your family
    - and to support our channel - go to 23andMe.Com/MinuteEarth..

    Why Bird Penises Are So Weird

    Thursday, March 14, 2019

    Where Do Birds Go In Winter

    [MUSIC] In 1971, astronaut Alan Shepard hit the first
    birdie on the moon. Not literally, of course. Theres no actual birds up there. But thats not what Charles Morton thought.
    In 1703 he published a pamphlet claiming that the reason some birds disappeared during winter
    was because they were vacationing on the moon.

    Really puts the loon in lunar [MUSIC] Throughout history, people were at a loss
    as to why some birds appeared out of nowhere in the spring only to disappear again during
    winter, and when it came to explaining why, their common sense flew south. Aristotle figured that certain birds didnt
    leave at all, they just changed from one type to another. And a medieval scholar said geese
    began life as barnacles, while another claimed they blossomed from trees every spring. The poet Homer accepted the fact that cranes
    embarked on great journeys, but instead of seeking warmer weather it was to battle tribes
    of mythical goat-riding dwarves at the ends of the Earth.

    I am NOT making this up. Fittingly, the answer to this avian enigma
    was delivered by a stork. Storks were, and still are, a common sight in Europe during
    summer, except most dont have spears hanging out of their necks. After this unlucky bird
    was shot in Germany, for a second time mind you, the origin of the spear was traced to
    sub-Saharan Africa, proving once and for all that birds spent their winters in warmer climates.
    And not the moon.

    Birds dont use calendars, as far as we
    know, so how do they know when to take off? By tallying observations about their environment
    like changes in daylight, average temperatures, and the amount of food that there is to eat,
    a biological switch is triggered that tells the bird its time to pack its feathery
    bags. These days, scientists use technology ranging
    from leg bands to GPS to map their incredible journeys. The arctic tern takes the longest trip of
    any bird, covering as much as 50,000 miles in a single year between its Arctic and Antarctic
    nesting grounds. Bar-headed geese have to cross over the Himalayas
    on their annual journey, the highest migration of any bird.

    To survive at those extreme altitudes,
    theyve evolved specialized hemoglobin, and like other birds, they have a special
    one-way respiratory system that keeps fresh air running through their lungs all the time. The great snipe is a migration speedster,
    covering more than 4,000 miles at speeds up to 60 mph, while the bar-tailed godwit completes
    its 7,000 mile, eight-day journey across the Pacific without stopping once, powering its
    trek by packing on more than half its body mass in fat. One of the worlds most amazing bird migrations
    is undertaken by one of the smallest: the ruby-throated hummingbird. Before these petite
    pilots embark across the Gulf of Mexico, they too add more than half their penny-sized body
    weight in fat too, and during their 600 mile trip, they burn off a quarter of their body
    mass in just 20 hours! Its hard to keep weight on when you have to flap your wings
    50 times a second.

    Flying V! The flying V might be hockeys greatest
    formation, but its also a trick to fly more efficiently. When a bird flaps its wings,
    it creates a rotating vortex off the wingtip. If the bird behind is in the right place,
    it can get a free boost from that updraft. Whats crazy is that birds can somehow sense
    where that vortex is, and they actively flap their wings to stay in the sweet spot.

    Birds are able to navigate the globe with
    amazing accuracy, some returning to the same nesting spot year after year. Pigeons taken
    far from home, sealed in isolation chambers cut off from light, outside air and magnetic
    fields, were still able to find their way back. Its easy to see how birds might draw
    a map, but what about a compass? Some birds have been found to use the sun, and others
    the stars. But for many birds, they are the compass.

    Tiny iron-rich crystals were discovered in
    the eyes and beaks of many birds, and scientists now suspect that these allow birds to sense,
    or maybe even see Earths magnetic field. We may have had some bird-brained ideas about
    where our where birds disappear to, but thanks to science we know the truth is as good as
    any myth. Maybe better. Stay curious..

    Where Do Birds Go In Winter

    Tuesday, March 5, 2019

    What Happens to Birds During Hurricanes

    [  Intro  ] The 2017 hurricane season sure packed a wallop. Three major storms -- Harvey, Irma, and Maria
    -- decimated the Caribbean and the southern US. While the focus has rightfully been on the
    impacts to those living in the storms path, you might wonder how other creatures fared. Some species seem to be able to sense the
    impending danger and flee.

    Landlubbers like us that dont get out of
    the way just have to hunker down as best they can. But birds and other airborne animals sometimes
    do what sounds like the worst idea ever: they ride things out in the eye of the storm. Meteorologists have witnessed this thanks
    to something called dual-polarization or dual-pol radar, which uses pulses of electromagnetic
    waves to detect the size and shape of objects in two dimensions. Based on the pattern of the waves, they can
    see the proportions of whatevers in the storm  including birds and insects, which
    stand out because theyre much less spherical than, say, a raindrop.

    And when meteorologists map out what theyve
    detected with radar, they often find a bunch of animals inside the eyes of big storms. Heading into a hurricane for safety sounds
    pretty bold  and ill-advised. But within the eye, the weather is calm. Its a spot of extremely low pressure, which
    helps drive the overall storm, but isnt very windy itself.

    It doesnt even have clouds, since the air
    in the eye is about 5 degrees warmer than the rest of the storm, and it can hold more
    water before condensing. So, all things considered, its relatively
    safe for birds and bugs. Not that its an intentional strategy on
    their partthey probably dont plan this out. Either the eye forms around them, or they
    just happen to find the eye and then end up kinda stuck there.

    This especially happens with seabirds. The real danger is running into the eyewall,
    the vertical wall of clouds that surrounds the eye, which is the most intense part of
    the storm. It has the heaviest rainfall and strongest
    winds. Sticking to the eye can work, but it can be
    tough to make it through if a hurricane is especially long-lived.

    Trapped birds dont have much choice but
    to keep flappingthey cant really stop to sleep or eatso this kind of travel can
    wear them out. Sometimes they die. And since, you know, a hurricane swept through
    their habitat, there may not be much left to come home to. Or, if theyre migratory birds, they can
    be blown hundreds of kilometers off course.

    In 2005, Hurricane Wilma deposited a flock
    of North American chimney swifts in Western Europe. More than 700 of the birds died, and ornithologists
    found that the following year, the total population had been cut in half. It can be hard to collect good data on what
    happens to birds during and after a storm, as each hurricane is different. But birdwatchers can help with that.

    Safety first, obviously, but if you ever see
    hurricane birdsspecies well outside of their usual homes during or after a stormyou
    can report your observations so scientists can learn more about how animals deal with
    tropical cyclones. Its one of the more unusual types of citizen
    science. Thanks for asking, and thanks as always to
    all our patrons on Patreon. Your support helps us weather any storm.

    If you want to help us make more episodes
    like this, you can go to patreon.Com/scishow. [  Outro  ].

    What Happens to Birds During Hurricanes

    Monday, February 25, 2019

    What Foods are Poisonous to BirdsBudgie Care

    Foods Poisonous to Birds There are several foods which should never
    be fed to your budgie because they are toxic to birds. This includes avocado, fruit seeds and pits,
    uncooked beans, chocolate, mushrooms, tomato leaves and stems, and rhubarb. Many fruit seeds and pits are toxic to birds,
    so you should always remove fruit seeds or cut away parts of fruit that touched the pit
    before giving any fruit to your budgie (strawberry seeds are okay). You should also avoid giving your budgie any
    dairy (milk based) products, as birds cannot digest the lactose in dairy.

    Only limited amounts of spinach, chard, or
    beet greens should be fed to your bird no more than leaf per week. These greens contain oxalic acid, which bind
    to calcium in the digestive system and can cause deficiencies. Dont feed your budgie onion or garlic. If youre sharing with your budgie, small
    amounts of garlic or onion in your food is okay.

    You shouldnt feed your budgie any more
    than very limited amounts of any kind of salty food, sweets, or any foods known as junk
    food. Never let your budgie consume coffee, soda,
    caffeinated beverages, or alcohol..

    What Foods are Poisonous to BirdsBudgie Care

    Sunday, February 17, 2019


    (Birds hawking) SHUT UP! We think you guys, will be perfect for the roles of Bubbles and Hal. In the new Angry Birds movie, coming out in May. What do you think? Anthony: Can we just have a quick moment to discuss please? Of course. (Foot steps) (Ian and Anthony cheering themselves in the reception room) Ian: Yes, we will do that.

    Okay, great! We'll record in two hours. That should give you enough time to prepare, right? (Awkward silence) Anthony: Yes Ian: Indeed (uh oh, what are they going to do now?) (Ian screaming in agony) Ian: No no no! Ian: How am i gonna get ready in two hours? (Pfft) Ian: If only i was good of an actor like Stork Man. Anthony: Stork Man? Ian: Yeah, the superhero with the ability to tell when a woman's in labor. Anthony: (giggles) That sounds terrible! Ian: Hey! He's a god damn American classic! Anthony: Well, i'm personally not worried about it cuz i'm a really really good actor.

    Anthony: I mean you saw how good i was in Smosh the Movie, right? Ian: Yeaaaaaaaah (sarcasm, sarcasm) Anthony: Look, i want you to be as good of an actor as me okay? Anthony: So, let me hook you up with my acting coach. Anthony: He's the best method actor i've ever known. Ian: Okay. Anthony: Cool, let me go get him.

    Ian: Sweet. (More walking) Anthony (changed): Hello Ian, i am Gabrielle your acting coach. Ian: What the f-- Gabrielle: QUIET! Ian: Okay, look Anthon-- Gabrielle: HEY! Gabrielle: From now on, you are to speak only when i tell you to. Gabrielle: Okay? You are playing the role of an angry...

    (Taking time to think) Bird! Is that correct? Ian: Yes. Gabrielle: Ian! I swear to Guadalupe, if you speak one more time without being called upon I will strangle you with my Himalayan hemp bracelet! Anyway, if you are to play a bird you must become a bird. You must, *tongue clicking* eat like a bird, you must. Sleep like a bird, you must mate like a bird, ehh.

    By the end of my lesson you be the greatest bird to ever live. (Raising hand) Si. Um. Would you mind repeating all of that again, because you said bird.

    Then I started thinking about stork man. Then I just started thinking about how awesome he was. Especially in his third movie! When he senses that the princess of Canada was having twins. Ian: And then, she thought she have only one baby.

    Ian: And then, he got the second crib, for the second baby. (Ian sighs) Ian: Man, that's a classic, i mean if you haven't seen it you really should probably-- Ian: AGGHH! Gabrielle: Your training begins now. Ian: ***, what you have in that bracelet? Perfecto...You must look like a bird how Magic Fuck...Come on ...Would you look... Perfecto...Now you are indistinguishable from north american black crow Vamodos huaa...

    No..No..Noo....You must eat like birds eat Now ..Open up and chew......This Chew it up.. Aaa...Aaa...Na Do not swallow..Feel... The baby bird What....I am the baby bird baby bird in  my mouth...What? ...No!!... You want to be real actor or not...This is the only way......Okay I can't Why not Because i am...Starved....

    Just, beg your pardon..I will not survive screaming okay that was i a lot worse than i expected let us never speak of that again anyway to be a true bird , you must be able to fly if your birds dont fly  , dong dong , they are all dead what about Osages and turkeys and penguin? Fly! Damn you :D. You did it Ian . Your transformation to a bird is complete. I did it !? Im a bird !?  Yes.

    Now ah could you put me back in your pocket? Why? Im busy Busy doing what? You're just a picture in my pocket. Yea and i have my own life. You'd think im sitting here waitting for you? Blahhhphew NOoooo. Ive got my own stuff to do Ian you ok? Yes im ready Okay because you shattered your legs and you have been mubbling yourself for like twenty minutes .

    Ah balls... Oh ah Anthony i may have broken my legs , but you broke character haha:D. Guess you arent a good actor after all bitch god damn it hahahahhahahahaha you guys ready? Yes, indeed Your ready to roll? Well i nearly died like 5 minutes ago, so maybe i could  (take a rest ffs) Okay great, and what we need from you  now is a nice big scream , but also a sucking in as you scream FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Okay..>< Great.

    Thanks guys . We are good Ok cool . So its my turn? Oh ...(Shit) yea. We think you might not have what it.....Takes yea we saw Smosh the movie It was the first movie.

    You'll get better. If only he could act like that Nevermind This video is brought to you by the Angry Birds movie The 3D animated comedy where we'll find out why those birds are so angry For more footage of our characters from the movie - Bubbl es and Hal, click on the box on the left Look how angry I am Your smiling... Rrr... Your a smiling bird.

    You're angry You can't stop smiling The Angry Birds movie comes out in theatres May 20 To see behind the scenes footage and bloopers click on the box on the right Right now I'm going to spray some white goo on Ian's face I feel like this video belongs on, er... Not YouTube And as always, if you are using this on a touch-screen device all the links are in the description box below.